Ассоциация Коммуникационных и Маркетинговых Агентств Беларуси


White Square is one of the recognized around the world international festivals of creativity with contests that cover the entire spectrum of the industry of communications. Every year over a thousand entries from more than forty countries, including European countries, countries of MENA region, the USA, Asian countries, China, Latin America and others, take part in White Square Festival, demonstrating bright ideas, creative and effective solutions implemented by agencies and brands.

The jury of White Square Festival 2025 includes persons with numerous prestigious awards of creativity and efficiency festivals, experienced professionals, jury members with high expert knowledge in the field of communications. This year's White Square Festival entries will be evaluated by six international jury line-ups: Branding Jury, Marketing & Digital Jury, Creative Jury, Craft Jury, Media Jury, Mass Media Jury. The evaluation of entries will be held at the end of May.

Call for entries is open online until 28 April 2025. There are 247 nominations in eight contests in total at the Festival.
BRANDING JURY will evaluate projects in the BRANDING contest: Communication Design, Packaging Design, Digital & Interactive Design, Product Design and Brand Environment Design categories.
MARKETING & DIGITAL JURY will evaluate entries in MARKETING EFFECTIVENESS, MARKETING SERVICES, DIGITAL contests: Marketing Effectiveness, Brand Experience & Activation, PR, Direct, Campaigns: Sectors, Innovations, Digital, Mobile, Social & Influencer, Creative Data and Creativity Driven Transformation.
CREATIVE JURY will evaluate entries in the CREATIVE contest: Film, Print, Radio & Audio, Outdoor, Integrated, Branded Content & Entertainment, Creative Use of Media, as well as in the new Film. Sectors, Print. Sectors, Outdoor. Sectors.
CRAFT JURY will evaluate entries in the CRAFT contest: Film Craft, Print & Outdoor Craft, and Excellence in Radio & Audio.
MEDIA JURY will evaluate projects in three categories: Channels, Excellence in Media and Media Campaign
MASS MEDIA JURY, represented by founders and editors-in-chief of specialized media in the sphere of marketing and advertising from different countries, will evaluate entries in 35 nominations of Communication, Digital & Mobile, Reach, Integrated Campaigns, Change for Good. Brands, Change for Good. Non-profit, Charity, Government.

To submit your entries, find out the nominations list and rules for entries, please visit the official website of White Square Festival.